
Holy Ghost! – “Crime Cutz” (Singles Going Steady)

NYC smartasses Holy Ghost! drop a badass slice of synthpop like it ain’t no thing.

Ari Rosenschein: These NYC smartasses drop a badass slice of synthpop like it ain’t no thing. Terrestrial radio should wise up and realize “Crime Cutz” is the “Staying Alive” of our time. I am quantifiably cooler from my exposure to this funky, funky gem of a jam. [8/10]

Sam Taylor: It’s been an interesting journey seeing how the bands unified by New York’s DFA label have evolved since many of them made their debut in the early to mid-2000s. Hercules and Love Affair have transcended from Andy Butler’s off-beat experiment into bonafide party starters, YACHT have embraced their idiosyncrasies to great effect, and LCD Soundsystem have crammed more into 10 years (including the obligatory break up and elated reinstatement) than most bands do in twice that time. Holy Ghost!, however, have honed their ‘nu-disco’ beats, channeling 14 years of creativity and acclaimed remixes into the uplifting “Crime Cutz”. A synth-driven single with a catchy chorus reminiscent of Cut Copy’s best moments, it’s a confident development for Holy Ghost!, and has me excited for what comes next. [7/10]

Jedd Beaudoin: Disco lives! Love it love it love it. Love it. [9/10]

Magdalen Jenne: The best synthpop is the stuff that can function as background club music but rewards a close listener with something more. “Crime Cutz” is a really fun track, sure, but there’s some good songwriting and interesting production here that really gives it a life outside of the dance floor. The chorus is subdued but infectious, like Duran Duran on mood stabilizers. [6/10]

Morgan Y. Evans: Holy Ghost! is like lower budget (in a good way) Daft Punk disco with outer space ghosty vibes. Like it a lot. [7/10]

Chad Miller: Exciting musical sections make this song feel like it’s worth the seven minutes invested. Overall, a nice piece of soul/funk music. Vocals however feature so little dynamic contrast that they threaten to dissolve right into the music. [7/10]

SCORE: 7.33