Moving Pixels Podcast: ‘Dragon Age’ Expanded?

With one Chris out and another Kris in, this week the Moving Pixels crew travels to Ferelden to discuss the world of Dragon Age: Origins and its many expansions. Do these downloadable prologues, epilogues, and side stories add anything to the diverse and complex world of Origins? Or are they just recycled levels splashed together to make a quick buck? Join us as we dig into everything from the game itself to the demo for the sequel.

This podcast is also available via iTunes.


More discussion of Dragon Age:

Review: Dragon Age: Origins by Rick Dakan

Dragon Age Lets Me Celebrate Girl Power (And Doesn’t Make Me Self-Conscious) by Kris Ligman

Catching up with Dragon Age DLC by Rick Dakan

Dragon AgeThe Business of Falling in Love with the Virtual by Kris Ligman

Dragon AgeTurning Frustration into Excitement: Random Battles in Dragon Age by Nick Dinicola

Dragon Age: Origins — Awakening: Death to Text by Rick Dakan

You’re Not as Important as You Think: Choice and Consequence in Dragon Age by Nick Dinicola


Our podcast contributors:

Rick Dakan is a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels blog as well as to the Gamma Testing podcast.

Nick Dinicola is also a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels blog.

Thomas Cross contributes frequently to the Multimedia section at, and he also pens the Diamond in the Rough column for GameSetWatch.

Kris Ligman contributes frequently to the Moving Pixels blog at, and she also serves as an editor for The Hathor Legacy.