Yellow 6: Painted Sky

Yellow 6
Painted Sky

A true story: I accidentally played this album as I was lining my eyes in preparation for a party; and because of the background sounds I found myself, not partying, but reading poems about how I shall die in Paris during a thunderstorm. This morbidity on my part isn’t necessarily indicative of the music itself, I only mean that it draws something out of the listener that is romantic. The first tracks introduce a dismal atmosphere painted by Jon Attwood’s spatial guitar chords, but as the music progresses it becomes all-encompassing and introspective. Like much music that is produced off the beaten track, it is difficult to pigeonhole Painted Sky into one genre, but I am leaning toward ambient and falling back on shoegaze. The lack of vocals on these tracks makes the music that much more indulging; even with the stereo volume up two thirds of the way, the music was so quiet at times that I could hear my refrigerator humming in the next room.

RATING 7 / 10