Moving Pixels Podcast: Politics and Pathos in ‘The Witcher 2’

The Witcher 2‘s release on console seemed an appropriate enough reason for the Moving Pixels podcast crew to have a look at last year’s well regarded PC RPG.

To call the The Witcher 2 ambitious is an understatement, as it is a game that approaches the question of how much control the player has in crafting the story by offering expansive branching paths rarely seen before in games. We are of differing opinions regarding the success that CDProjekt has had in doing this, though, and in their presentation of the politics and pathos in the game’s narrative.

This podcast is also available via iTunes.


Our podcast contributors:

Rick Dakan is a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels podcast as well as the co-founder of Mob Rules Games.

G. Christopher Williams is the Multimedia Editor at You can find his weekly updates featured at the Neuromance blog.

Nick Dinicola is also a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels blog and appears regularly on the Game Hounds podcast.