Apple finally getting flexible with prices?

When Apple actually considers breaking out of it’s 99 cent box for selling all of its items, that’s news. No doubt that this has something to do with the fact that the entertainment companies that were supplying it with content were getting frustrated and finding other online services to do business with (i.e. Amazon). While Apple still holds a huge share of the music download market, it’s not on as solid ground with movies or TV, where it hasn’t been able to strike as many deals. No doubt the TV/movie companies don’t want to make the same mistake as the music companies (who are sometimes part of the same corporation) and all agree to give over all their goodies to Jobs and friends so that they can corner the market in another realm of online entertainment. While they’re still far ahead, Apple ain’t dumb- they know that they have to stay competitive and that the entertainment big-wigs don’t like ’em and want more options so they’re not tied into the whims of Apple (much like they have to kiss Walmart’s feet when they make decisions about pricing too). Now if only Apple would see the light about streaming albums for a monthly fee…