Operation Northwoods

So the messiah-in-chief- wants to bring on the rapture? How else to understand the discussions of possible preemptive nuclear strikes against Iran, to make sure they never have the capability for preemptive nuclear strikes, because they would be evil and murderous. (Of course America’s nuclear bombs dropped on non-Christians could never be considered anything but righteous.) The nightmare of this adminstration of madmen, fools, incompetents and kleptocrats has no limits.

Anyway, Digby makes all the necessary outraged points about this in this item, and links, chillingly, to an account of Operation Northwoods in the update. That was a plan devised in the early 1960s to depose Castro by railing public opinion for a strike against his regime. This was to be accomplished by “flase flag” operations, where terrorist acts against America are instigated by America itself, operating through espionage and infiltrators into actual fledgling anti-American groups. These acts become the undeniable causes for war. (Think Gulf of Tonkin, or Reichstag fire, but even more devious and calculated.) This may seem like tinfoil-hat territory but think about it and look into the dead soulless eyes of Rumsfeld or Cheney or any of the administration stooges sent out to deliver their sermons on the Fox propaganda channel — would you put it past these people?