POV: 20th Anniversary Collection [$249.95]

The 15 DVDs in this beautiful set represent the wide range of documentaries aired on PBS over 20 years, as they vied for attention against the programming on major networks. This is a thoughtful gift for anyone who cares about important social issues, and revels in being reminded of just how many different ways there are of being, and seeing, in the world — and all so very close to and much like one’s own life. Covering subjects such as living (and dying) with physical or mental illness, suffering (and fighting) judicial malfeasance, and the casualities and survivors of cultural and political battlefields, this is brain food that’ll stir you, nay, take a clench-hold on your heart and knee you in the gut. The fearlessly brainy and big-hearted types will love this set; the aspiring documentarian and the precocious youngster will learn from it, and anyone who just loves to be told a really good story will enjoy these immensely. Details on each of the films is available on the Docurama site.