WATCH – Savage Cinema from Down Under

Savage Cinema from Down Under [Subversive Cinema – $29.95]

Australian cinema has had an erratic history. After initial forays into the artform at the turn of the century, the nation let American and British film dominate its marketplace for several decades. Finally, in the ’70s, directors from Down Under started making their mark, and none have done so as spectacularly as Mark Savage. Combining a love of all things movie with the emerging DIY scene of the ’80s and ’90s, his creative output consists of typical genre fare (The Marauders) to experiments in tone (Defenceless) and approach (SNAK – Sensitive New Age Killer). In a remarkably comprehensive box set from Subversive Cinema -– including a bonus disc offering Savage’s astounding look at child pornography, Stained –- we can literally witness the growth in creativity and confidence of an amazingly accomplished outsider artist. [Amazon]