The Pinecones: Sage

The Pinecones
Just Friends

The Pinecones’s dreamy psychedelic summer of love Sage conjures both the Beatles and the Kinks. Sage rocks and rolls with the best of them, but sometimes hits a few wrong notes. These flubs are forgivable, however, as frontman Brent Randall smooth talks and croons his way into the brain with catchy licks and groovy arrangements. The multi-part harmonies throughout the disc are very ambitious, and for the most part are on point. Check out “Tea Tonight” for a jaunty little indeclinable invitation to “Oh, for Peter’s sake, won’t you just have a bit of cake?”

Sometimes those licks hit a little too close to other things. For instance, sweet and breezy “On the Buses ‘71” is really fun, but sounds like a direct lift from the opening notes of the Beatles’ “And I Love Her”, if the Three’s Company theme song and Steely Dan’s “Only a Fool” were spliced into them. It’s easy to forgive these little blips, though, as long as songs like “5 O’Clock Shadow (Of a Moonbeam)” transport us miles away with just a hint of twang.

RATING 6 / 10