Edgar Winter: Rebel Road

Edgar Winter
Rebel Road

Edgar Winter’s Rebel Road is worn, full of pot holes, and sometimes blatantly offensive. Yet with the help of Slash, Clint Black, and his brother Johnny, even this high profile assistance cannot save Rebel Road from sounding outdated. The nail in the coffin, so to speak, is “The Power of Positive Drinkin’”, which extols the benefits of boozing. Despite being a stupid play on words, you’d think our society has advanced enough to no longer sing the praises of inebriation. What’s next? Heroin heroics? Cocaine conquests? And when Winter isn’t singing like a man from The Dark Ages, he’s sounding just like one. Cringe as Winter adds a prog-y keyboard solo to “Freedom”. Winter may be an AOR rock staple with his certified classic, “Frankenstein”, but he’s clearly not creating classic-worthy music these days.

RATING 4 / 10