Moving Pixels Podcast: It’s Very Dead… in Space

Last week the Moving Pixels podcast crew took a look at Dead Space as a transmedia phenomenon, considering the films, comics, and other spin offs that the series has generated.

This week we look at the games themselves, considering their innovative design decisions and gameplay, alongside their grotesquerie and some of their choice in presentation of issues like work and women.

This podcast is also available via iTunes.


More discussion of Dead Space:

Review: Dead Space 2 by Nick Dinicola

Review: Dead Space: Ignition by Nick Dinicola

Review: Dead Space: Extraction by Nick Dinicola

Horror in Video Games: There’s Seeing — and Then There’s Realizing What You’re Seeing by G. Christopher Williams

Visceral Games, Body Horror, and the Monstrous Female Body by G. Christopher Williams

The Paradox of Modern Horror: “Survival Horror” by Nick Dinicola

Isaac Clarke: Intergalactic Handyman by G. Christopher Williams

The Cybernetic Conundrum: Posthumanism and Dead Space by Aaron Poppleton

Killing Kids is Scary by Nick Dinicola


Our podcast contributors:

Rick Dakan is a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels blog as well as to the Gamma Testing podcast.

G. Christopher Williams is the Multimedia Editor at You can find his weekly updates featured at the Neuromance blog.

Nick Dinicola is also a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels blog.

Thomas Cross contributes frequently to the Multimedia section at, and he also pens the Diamond in the Rough column for GameSetWatch.