Liftoff: Sunday Morning Airplay

Sunday Morning Airplay
Fort Knox

During my first spin of this album my three year old daughter walked up to me and said, “This music keeps me dancing!” Indeed. Sunday Morning Airplay is a mash-up of retro pop influences that are as likely to help you dance as to relax, a well balanced mix of 60’s pop, electronica, and dreamy indie hipness. Lush Morricone-like soundscapes work in addition to the funky beats, but are not quite as captivating as the influences they draw from.

Working under the influence of Thievery Corporation’s Rob Myers, Liftoff is a collaboration between Steven Albert (Thunderball), Johnna Raskin (Speedy Consuela), and Steve Raskin (Thunderball). They have created a pleasantly coherent vibe to accompany winter days. Enough lift to get you “Off Yer Feet” combined with just enough psychedelia to calm the nerves. The strength of this album lies in its appeal as a mood record. Although It contains some not-so-memorable hooks, it has a lot of style. This is a pleasant beginning for Liftoff, a demonstration of fine musicianship, and production that could use a few more surprises. Sunday Morning Airplay has a broad appeal for those looking to set the mood during a weekend afternoon.

RATING 6 / 10