Now With Added Miller: “Justice League Dark #11” Exclusive Preview

Since last September, Justice League Dark has been one of the hidden gems of the New 52. It’s been an essay in non-group think when it was written by writers’ writer Peter Milligan. Under his hand, the group always threatened to explode, to fracture, to fragment. Too many players had their own agenda during “In the Dark”. And following on into “Postmortem” and “Rise of the Vampires”, we’ve seen Justice League Dark shepherd us through the ordinariness of apocalypses. Despite the book being relatively new (a League loosely based on the magic-oriented Justice League that replaced the original during the Obsidian Age storyarc), Peter Milligan had already placed an magnificent stamp on the idea of the Justice League Dark. The only question for incoming writer Jeff Lemire was, could he maintain the high standard?

And yet, Lemire has done the unimaginable–he’s surpassed Milligan’s remarkable run. Reading these last few Justice League Darks, we’ve just been witness to a resplendent energy of storytelling. We’ve seen Jeff tap the adventure-story trope, but approach this with the skill of s comics-Hemingway. And now, in this exclusive preview, we’ve seen Jeff tap Frank Miller’s beautiful afterimages, indicative of rapid motion, first seen in Miller’s Daredevil all those many decades ago now.

Please enjoy your exclusive sneak peak of Justice League #11 which continues Jeff Lemire’s opening storyarc, “The Black Room”.


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