Even the End Has Its Beginnings: Exclusive Preview of “Demon Knights Vol.2”


I hate Seneca. I hate Seneca and I still do, even to this day. And you would too if you’d known him before It happened to him, and if you had to watch what It Happening had done to him. And, please believe me Dear Reader, it has absolutely nothing to do with him saying “Everything that has a beginning, also has an end…”. That, was pure Nero, a consequence of what Seneca had become after Nero got his hooks into Seneca. But Nero wasn’t the It. Nero was what the It opened a door for.

There’s a certain kind of betrayal that comes with friendship. It conspires around how much you’re willing to see the other person change. Were Seneca’s intimates savaged by his sudden wrestling with and “conversion” to Stoicism? And yet it’s Seneca himself who reminds us that no matter what amount of personal evolution there happens to be, it always comes capped by an end we cannot escape.

In the second act to his run on Demon Knights, writer Paul Cornell embraces both sides of Seneca’s dilemma. The real kick in the teeth comes not from the traitorous Vandal Savage who has betrayed the group already once, but from those among the group who seemed stalwart. But of course, this dilemma pales in comparison to an evolving history that seems already to have run its course.

When illumined by the “history” of a Camelot that is forever being destroyed, only to, like a phoenix without ashes, rise anew for a new generation, the practices of medieval culture to be constructed through signage that becomes ever more specialized takes on a radically vibrant, tangible feeling.

Please enjoy our exclusive preview of Demon Knights: the Avalon Trap.