G. Christopher Williams

Moving Pixels Podcast: The Best Games of 2016

Playing to Lose: The Tragedy of ‘This Is the Police’

Playing to Lose: The Tragedy of ‘This Is the Police’

Video gamers are not accustomed to playing to lose.
‘Beautiful Minecraft’ Sees ‘Minecraft’ As a Sculptural Tool, Not Just a Game

‘Beautiful Minecraft’ Sees ‘Minecraft’ As a Sculptural Tool, Not Just a Game

Beautiful Minecraft muses on the possibilities of using Minecraft itself as a medium for art.

Mojang, Microsoft Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment

The Moving Pixels Podcast Investigates ‘Gravity Bone’ and ‘Thirty Flights of Loving’

‘Kingdom Death: Monster’ and the Allure of Knowing that “You Really Shouldn’t…”

‘Kingdom Death: Monster’ and the Allure of Knowing that “You Really Shouldn’t…”

In an age when I can I have nearly anything shipped to me in three to five days by Amazon, Kingdom Death: Monster's exclusivity is its chief lure.
The Moving Pixels Podcast Interrogates ‘Virginia’

The Moving Pixels Podcast Interrogates ‘Virginia’

This week we discuss how Virginia explores themes of power, corruption and identity through its cinematic gameplay.

Emerging from My Hiatus from Big Budget Games

Best of the Moving Pixels Podcast: Storytelling in War Games

The Moral Morass of Playing ‘Beholder’

The Moral Morass of Playing ‘Beholder’

Beholder shows the disasters that can come from, perhaps, being too compassionate within the context of a totalitarian state.
Moving Pixels Podcast: Exploring the Mind-Body Connection in ‘Soma’

Moving Pixels Podcast: Exploring the Mind-Body Connection in ‘Soma’

Following up on our discussions of Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, we are now discussing the slow burn sci fi horror of Soma.

Soma considers philosophical questions concerning the relationship between the body and the mind, a topic we dive into head first this week.

This podcast is available via Soundcloud.

Additionally, we are also available on iTunes.


Our podcast contributors:

G. Christopher Williams is the Multimedia Editor at PopMatters.com. You can find his weekly updates featured at his blog 8-bit confessional.

In addition to writing for PopMatters, Nick Dinicola is also a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels blog and appears regularly on the Game Hounds podcast.

Eric Swain is a frequent contributor to the Moving Pixels podcast and maintains his own blog on gaming, The Game Critique.

‘Small Radios Big Televisions’: Small Game Short Review