G. Christopher Williams

Bet of the Moving Pixels Podcast: The Evolution of Hack and Slash

Bet of the Moving Pixels Podcast: The Evolution of Hack and Slash

This week the Moving Pixels podcast looks back at a discussion of the evolution of the dungeon crawl from its social aspects and etiquette to its mechanics and playstyle.
‘Zero Time Dilemma’ Argues for the Necessity of Trauma

‘Zero Time Dilemma’ Argues for the Necessity of Trauma

The structure of Zero Time Dilemma suggests that learning how to solve problems can only occur after having lived through suffering.
The Moving Pixels Podcast Explores ‘A Machine for Pigs’

The Moving Pixels Podcast Explores ‘A Machine for Pigs’

This week we follow up on our recent discussion of Amnesia with an exploration of its sequel A Machine for Pigs.

Best of the Moving Pixels Podcast: Difficulty, Frustration, and Challenge in Video Games

‘Thumper’ Requires Only One Word to Describe It: Brutal

The Moving Pixels Podcast Finally Gets ‘Amnesia’

The Moving Pixels Podcast Finally Gets ‘Amnesia’

Just in time for Halloween, the Moving Pixels Podcast revisits the 2010 cult horror game Amnesia.
There Is Something for Both Board Gamers and Video Gamers in ‘Mechs vs. Minions’

There Is Something for Both Board Gamers and Video Gamers in ‘Mechs vs. Minions’

The hijinks and pratfalls of the League of Legends branded board game, Mechs vs. Minions, will make gamers of all stripes smile.
The Moving Pixels Podcast Executes ‘The Deed’

The Moving Pixels Podcast Executes ‘The Deed’

By playing The Deed, we find ourselves in the uncomfortable position of inhabiting the mind of a murderer.
‘Virginia’: Masks, Identity, and the Horror of Our Own Reflection

‘Virginia’: Masks, Identity, and the Horror of Our Own Reflection

Virginia suggests that material evidence implies interpretations and conclusions that don't necessarily always align, as we would like them too, with certainty and proof.

Best of the Moving Pixels Podcast: Our Favorite Horror Games

‘Posthuman’ Examines the Tension Between Competition and Co-operation

‘Posthuman’ Examines the Tension Between Competition and Co-operation

Posthuman suggests that if a player can't win, then they can damn well make sure that everyone (not no one) wins.
The Moving Pixels Podcast Explores the Universe of ‘No Man’s Sky’

The Moving Pixels Podcast Explores the Universe of ‘No Man’s Sky’

This week, the Moving Pixels podcast considers the possible successes and perceived failures of No Man's Sky.