Oliver Ho

Oliver Ho is a writer, editor and content manager with over 20 years of professional experience in a wide variety of fields in the public and private sectors. A successful author, he has published several books for children, and his work has appeared in many print and online publications, including Descant, The New Quarterly, and PopMatters. His media work includes groundbreaking and innovative back-to-back roles as the Front Page Editor at two of the largest web portals in Canada: MSN Canada and Yahoo! Canada. Currently, he works as a Manager of Communications at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. His website is www.OliverHo.ca.

Monster-A-Day Delights with Haunting Creations

Ralph’s Jet-Pack Theory, Muhammad Ali and “Last Son”

Four-Eyed Stranger #19: “A Brief Interlude in Daily Life”

Borderland Speakeasy #18: “Do you have fish swimming in your forehead?”

Who Has the Right to Cultivate Culture? ‘Common as Air’

Four-Eyed Stranger #18: Disappearance Diary

‘The Master and His Emissary’: Feed Your Head

Borderland Speakeasy #17: “Annoyed as hell and dead”

Four-Eyed Stranger #17: “Nobody Is Born Whole”

Borderland Speakeasy #16: Sherlock Holmes and the Public Domain

Four-Eyed Stranger #16: “Gon” Forever

Borderland Speakeasy #15: “Nothing is as lost as I”