
The Abortion Discord Sewn into Faded ‘Blue Denim’

The Abortion Discord Sewn into Faded ‘Blue Denim’

Today’s discord and desperation over abortion in America has roots in Philip Dunne’s faded Blue Denim, one of the first Hollywood films to address the issue.

Strange Bedfellows? Rap and the Political Right

Strange Bedfellows? Rap and the Political Right

Hyper-masculinity, sexism, homophobia, offensive speech and distrust of institutions are some of the traits shared by rap culture and the American far right.

Rachel Maddow on the Bit Players’ Big Effects on Promoting American Fascism

Rachel Maddow on the Bit Players’ Big Effects on Promoting American Fascism

Rachel Maddow’s latest book on political history, Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism, weaves varying players past into a singular danger present.

Christopher Hitchens and Fights Worth Having

Christopher Hitchens and Fights Worth Having

You can smell the cigarette ash and Johnnie Walker Black Label on the pages of A Hitch in Time, a gleefully pugilistic posthumous Christopher Hitchens anthology.

Trapped in the Long Tomorrow: ‘Blade Runner’, Cyberpunk, and Our Stuck Future

Trapped in the Long Tomorrow: ‘Blade Runner’, Cyberpunk, and Our Stuck Future

Blade Runner serves our vision of an inevitable dystopian future because we live in a “stuck future”, refusing to heed cyberpunk’s warning.

‘Disneyland on the Mountain’: A Tale of Imagination and Activism

‘Disneyland on the Mountain’: A Tale of Imagination and Activism

Disney on the Mountain is an epic tale of big personalities, political clashes, tragedy, protests, and legal battles that went all the way to the US Supreme Court.

The Alt-Right’s Roots Go Deep in Co-Opting Pop Music

The Alt-Right’s Roots Go Deep in Co-Opting Pop Music

As with the Nazis and Goebbels and the Ku Klux Klan, the alt-right’s desire to co-opt pop music for their purposes requires ideological and ethical gymnastics.

Meghan Markle’s ‘Archetypes’: A Platform Stuck in Beta?

Meghan Markle’s ‘Archetypes’: A Platform Stuck in Beta?

With the end of her Archetypes podcast, Meghan Markle’s first exposure to the meritocracy of the customer has been cruel.

The Kids Are Alt-Right: How Punk Got Co-opted by Fascism

The Kids Are Alt-Right: How Punk Got Co-opted by Fascism

Like political populism, punk’s traits and tenets are sufficiently vague, contradictory, and unmoored to be vulnerable to co-option by all political opportunists—including the fascist alt-right.

‘Conflict Graffiti’ and the Artists That Use Public Spaces for Public Discourse

‘Conflict Graffiti’ and the Artists That Use Public Spaces for Public Discourse

Situating his study at sites of conflict and interviewing artists, scholar John Lennon’s Conflict Graffiti gives readers new perspectives for interpreting the graffiti and street art they encounter.

Storytelling the Slow Violence of Environmental Degradation in The Niger Delta

Storytelling the Slow Violence of Environmental Degradation in The Niger Delta

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Work or Die? ‘Death Panel’ Podcasters Propose ‘Health Communism’

Work or Die? ‘Death Panel’ Podcasters Propose ‘Health Communism’

Death Panel podcasters and Health Communism authors argue that the unemployed, maligned, “burdens” of the state are essential to capitalism’s ill-gotten profit.