Feu Thérèse: Ça Va Cogner

Feu Thérèse
Ça Va Cogner

Those of you pining for the reunion of obscure Canadian post-rock group Fly Pan Am can take solace in the new release for Feu Thérèse, Ça Va Cogner. The Quebec-based band — which includes Fly Pan Am’s guitarist and performance artist Jonathan Parant — has released yet another album full French Canadian lyrics and bland, synth-laden pop songs. A follow-up to last year’s self titled debut, Ça Va Cogner continues the band’s relatively uninspiring synth-pop excursion. Particularly baffling is tracks such as “Bruit du Pollen La Nuit” which inexplicably fades into near silence every so often, giving way to an indecipherable spoken word. The album continues down familiar territory as they churn out one wispy, vacant pop turd after another. Jonathan Parant might want to consider getting the more experimental Fly Pan Am back together, or become a full-time performance artist (whatever that entails), because his current career choice seems headed for a crash landing.

RATING 4 / 10