Miou Miou (that’s French for “Pussycat”) are true Bohemians, hailing from the so-named region of the Czech Republic. Their sound, though, is thoroughly Western/Northern European. Karolina Dytrtova sings French lyrics in a high-pitched, girlish coo, and her delicate voice is surrounded by layers of gauzy guitars, strings, and vintage keyboards. If this makes you think of Stereolab, you’re more than halfway there. La La Grande Finale also invokes Acid House Kings, early Cardigans, and female-fronted shoegazers like Lush. At 13 tracks, the album tends to float away before it’s over, but thick basslines and clever arrangements make the best tracks a cut or two above mere atmosphere. In particular, more “rocky”, uptempo numbers like “A Lete De La Saint-Martin 68” and “Le Coup De Ciseaux” will keep sophisticated toes tapping.