If you’re going to be at the SXSW music conference, please make sure to stop by the Saturday blog panel that I’m moderating. Here’s some details about it.
Panel: Blogs Gone Wild
Day: Saturday, March 18th
Start: 12:00 PM
End: 1:15 PM
Convention Center Room: 15
Panelists include:
- Brooklyn Vegan
- Fluxblog: Matthew Perpetua
- Her Jazz: Maria Sciarrino
- Music For Robots: Mark Willett
- Pitchfork: Amy Phillips
- Ye Wei Blog
: (me- my other blog besides this one)
It should be an interesting discussion. We’ll go over where the blog phenom is heading, whether it’s peaked, what makes a good blog, what its future is and other fun things.
Note how there haven’t been any new entries here for a few days. As I’ve said before, SXSW is a place where the temptation to gorge on music is so great, that even for a Net nut, it’s hard to resist. I’m doing a third (!) blog now, this one for SXSW itself. They lent me a nifty video phone to record shows, interviews and such and then the material is uploaded to a server in Helsinski (I’m told). The videos can be seen here on the SXSW site, just in case you thought I was slacking with my blog work.