SXSW blog panel

If you’re going to be at the SXSW music conference, please make sure to stop by the Saturday blog panel that I’m moderating. Here’s some details about it.


Panel: Blogs Gone Wild

Day: Saturday, March 18th

Start: 12:00 PM

End: 1:15 PM

Convention Center Room: 15

Panelists include:

It should be an interesting discussion. We’ll go over where the blog phenom is heading, whether it’s peaked, what makes a good blog, what its future is and other fun things.

Note how there haven’t been any new entries here for a few days. As I’ve said before, SXSW is a place where the temptation to gorge on music is so great, that even for a Net nut, it’s hard to resist. I’m doing a third (!) blog now, this one for SXSW itself. They lent me a nifty video phone to record shows, interviews and such and then the material is uploaded to a server in Helsinski (I’m told). The videos can be seen here on the SXSW site, just in case you thought I was slacking with my blog work.