
C. D. Rose’s ‘Walter Benjamin Stares at the Sea’ Plays Familiar Games with Time

C. D. Rose’s ‘Walter Benjamin Stares at the Sea’ Plays Familiar Games with Time

Walter Benjamin Stares at the Sea plays with postmodernism, autofiction, philosophy, and a short story canon peopled by writers from Augustine to Raymond Carver.

McKenzie Wark’s ‘Raving’ and the Need to Dissociate from the Body and Self

McKenzie Wark’s ‘Raving’ and the Need to Dissociate from the Body and Self

McKenzie Wark’s understanding of ravespace as a constructed situation in nonlinear ketamine-time comports with my experience raving on weekends as a freshman in college.

Figuring It Out with “Reverse Dracula”, Wayne Koestenbaum

Figuring It Out with “Reverse Dracula”, Wayne Koestenbaum

Figuring out some arguments by exegesis: a witty conversation with author, artist, and academic, Wayne Koestenbaum.