donald trump

Why Are Evangelicals So Full of Fear? and So Supportive of Trump? Interview with Historian John Fea

Why Are Evangelicals So Full of Fear? and So Supportive of Trump? Interview with Historian John Fea

As discussed with PopMatters, in Believe Me: The Evangelical Road to Donald Trump, Fea finds long roots in answering his questions, but he clears a path forward, too.

“We are all Rachel Dolezal”: on Asad Haider’s ‘Mistaken Identity: Race and Class in the Age of Trump’

“We are all Rachel Dolezal”: on Asad Haider’s ‘Mistaken Identity: Race and Class in the Age of Trump’

Among other critiques of identity politics, Haider believes that we each can slip between identities at will. Indeed, it's a universal human condition.

Kanye West: The Iconoclast Gives In

Kanye West: The Iconoclast Gives In

How the allure of newness is leading Kanye West astray.

How the Nobel Committee and the Great American Read (Among Others) Got Philip Roth Wrong

How the Nobel Committee and the Great American Read (Among Others) Got Philip Roth Wrong

A sense of bitterness remains for those of us mourning the loss of this final great literary lion of the 20th century.

Dispatches from the Sunken Place: Kanye, Kim, and Cosby

Dispatches from the Sunken Place: Kanye, Kim, and Cosby

Get Out's Sunken Place is not at a distant location -- it subsists and persists in the here and now. Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and Bill Cosby should know this.

What Does Trump Owe Putin? Michael Isikoff and David Corn’s ‘Russian Roulette’

What Does Trump Owe Putin? Michael Isikoff and David Corn’s ‘Russian Roulette’

These hard-hitting investigative reporters deliver the last (for this month, at least) word on Trump's mysterious infatuation with Putin.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins of Antifa Doc ‘Alt-Right: Age of Rage’ Isn’t Waiting for Approval

Daryle Lamont Jenkins of Antifa Doc ‘Alt-Right: Age of Rage’ Isn’t Waiting for Approval

Jenkins, founder of One Peoples Project, tells PopMatters that contrary to the fear many Americans feel, it's actually life-affirming to talk about fascism and racism.

Informed or Inflamed? Author Steve Almond Talks About How We Consume Trump

Informed or Inflamed? Author Steve Almond Talks About How We Consume Trump

With the recent release of Bad Stories: What the Hell Just Happened to Our Country, Steve Almond talks in-depth about the US president whom most parents wouldn't even let on the playground -- and about his beef with the American left.

Is the Revival of ‘Roseanne’ Merely Televisual Grave-Robbing?

Is the Revival of ‘Roseanne’ Merely Televisual Grave-Robbing?

The return of Roseanne brings with it some complicated political baggage -- and it brings Dan Connor back from the dead.

‘Bunk’ Joins the Dots Between Barnum and Trump

‘Bunk’ Joins the Dots Between Barnum and Trump

Kevin Young painstakingly presents the history of hoaxes and why we keep falling for the same old shtick.

He’s Martin Amis…and We’re Not

He’s Martin Amis…and We’re Not

The recent release of The Rub of Time once again marks Martin Amis amongst our most proficient critics, seemingly without peer in terms of his range and scope.

True/False Film Fest: ‘Our New President’

True/False Film Fest: ‘Our New President’

The next film from Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer director Maxim Pozdorovkin treats us to Russian propaganda about the United States.