elena setién

Elena Setién’s ‘Unfamiliar Minds’ Basks in Quietly Foreboding Minimalism

Elena Setién’s ‘Unfamiliar Minds’ Basks in Quietly Foreboding Minimalism

Immersion into Elena Setién’s Unfamiliar Minds is not unlike watching a bowl being coaxed into shape on a potter’s wheel. The slightest touches can send it in another direction.

The 20 Best Folk Albums of 2019

The 20 Best Folk Albums of 2019

Folk in 2019 is an image of inclusivity and unity in the face of international political upheaval. It's most captivating in its moments of sheer, heart-bearing authenticity and ensnares with new musical bearings introduced by some of its foremost innovators and newcomers to the scene.

Elena Setién’s ‘Another Kind of Revolution’ Is a Stirring Signal to Defy Gender Conventions

Elena Setién’s ‘Another Kind of Revolution’ Is a Stirring Signal to Defy Gender Conventions

Elena Setién's Another Kind of Revolution conceptualizes transformation as rooted in empowerment. The album is a recognition of women and their ability to act as catalysts for a popular and personal insurgency.