father john misty

Father John Misty: Pure Comedy

Father John Misty: Pure Comedy

Joshua Tillman has crafted one of the year’s most undoubtedly ambitious albums, melding of-the-moment musings with classicist songwriting. It’s his best work yet.
Father John Misty – “Pure Comedy” (The Film) (Singles Going Steady)

Father John Misty – “Pure Comedy” (The Film) (Singles Going Steady)

The clips of the songs are all the proof you need that Pure Comedy is going to be a groundbreaker and one of 2017's best albums.
Governors Ball 2016: Beck and the Strokes Deliver the Classics

Governors Ball 2016: Beck and the Strokes Deliver the Classics

The most intriguing moment of the opening day to Governors Ball came during an organ-only ballad from the Strokes.
Father John Misty: I Love You, Honeybear

Father John Misty: I Love You, Honeybear

Josh Tillman leaves the depression that triggered his beloved debut behind. In its place is the subject of love in all its beauty and messiness.

Josh Tillman: The History of Caves

The Best New Artists of 2012

Capitol Hill Block Party: 20 – 22 July 2012 – Seattle

Father John Misty Plans Huge Fall Tour

Father John Misty: Fear Fun

Listening Ahead: Upcoming Releases for May