feminist film

How Masculinity Fails in Jane Campion’s ‘The Power of the Dog’

How Masculinity Fails in Jane Campion’s ‘The Power of the Dog’

Jane Campion’s The Power of the Dog undermines “toxic masculinity” – a term that evokes the existence of alternative masculinities.

Ideological Incoherence in Films ‘3 Women’ ‘Girlfriends’ and Late ‘70s Feminism

Ideological Incoherence in Films ‘3 Women’ ‘Girlfriends’ and Late ‘70s Feminism

The inconclusive nature of modern womanhood espoused by 3 Women and Girlfriends reflects and reifies the inconclusive nature of second-wave feminism.

A Feminist Adventure Unfolds When ‘Celine and Julie Go Boating’

A Feminist Adventure Unfolds When ‘Celine and Julie Go Boating’

Jacques Rivette's film features two female characters who exhibit feminine strength and solidarity in a masculine world.

Revisiting Claudia Weill’s Second-Wave Feminist Film ‘Girlfriends’