george carlin

The Rebel Rockin’ Roots of Punk Rock Humor

The Rebel Rockin’ Roots of Punk Rock Humor

Humorists have served as the conscience of cultures ever since (and before) court jesters ridiculed omnipotent royalty for its hypocrisy, pomposity, and corruption. Punk continues to fulfill that essential social role in relation to the powers-that-be of the modern world.

Bill & Ted’s 30th Anniversary: Still Most Triumphant

Bill & Ted’s 30th Anniversary: Still Most Triumphant

Bill and Ted's relentless enthusiasm, openness, and goodwill toward all they meet are infectious and, quite frankly, rather inspiring, even (or perhaps especially) in the face of the apathy, prejudice, and animosity that surrounds us today.

As a Way of Being in the World, to Be Cool Is to Be a Fascinating Asshole

As a Way of Being in the World, to Be Cool Is to Be a Fascinating Asshole

Cool seems to be a phenomenon located mainly between the end of Hitler’s war and the beginning of Kurt Cobain’s band.
George Carlin: Philosopher, Poet, Preacher

George Carlin: Philosopher, Poet, Preacher

Few comedians have aimed for the mind over the funny bone (while still reaching both) quite like George Carlin has.

Can I Say That? Stand-Up Comedy in the Age of Political Correctness

Stand-Up! America’s Dissenting Tradition: Bill Hicks and Bill Maher

Stand-Up! America’s Dissenting Tradition: George Carlin and Richard Pryor

Stand-Up! America’s Dissenting Tradition: Mort Sahl and Lenny Bruce

Humor vs. Religion: An Unholy War. Part Two: Dispatches from the Front Lines

Humor vs. Religion: An Unholy War, Part One

Cars (2006)

The Aristocrats (2005)