
Eating Boys and Growing Tails: “Menstruosity” Body Horror in Film

Eating Boys and Growing Tails: “Menstruosity” Body Horror in Film

In coming-of-age, “menstruosity” body horror films, the Final Girl is the sexual transgressor. As her sexual freedom grows, so does her monstrosity.

The 75 Best Songs of 2011

The 75 Best Songs of 2011

Nostalgia Alert! Jump back a decade and enjoy the best songs of 2011. They are headlined by a synthpop classic, a massive hit from a hot diva, pristine harmonies of a young band headed for greatness.

The 10 Best Indie Pop Albums of 2011

The 10 Best Indie Pop Albums of 2011

The 10 best indie pop albums of 2011 prove that our most interesting musicians can express themselves within the essential pop song form while changing how we think about music.

The 10 Best Indie Pop Albums of 2009

The 10 Best Indie Pop Albums of 2009

Indie pop in 2009 was about all young energy and autumnal melancholy, about the rush you feel when you first hear an exciting new band, and the bittersweet feeling you get when your favorite band calls it quits.

The 50 Best Songs of 2009

The 50 Best Songs of 2009

As part of PopMatters’ 20th anniversary, we are revisiting classic features. Travel back in time a decade ago to 2009, when indie rock was in its full ascendency,and hear the songs that soundtracked the era.

The 60 Best Albums of 2009

The 60 Best Albums of 2009

PopMatters turns 20 years old this October and we're beginning to celebrate our history by taking you back in time a decade ago. Obama was in the White House and the musical times were very good indeed. Revisit 2009 through its best albums.

A Feminist Reads Philip Roth

A Feminist Reads Philip Roth

Thoughts about Philip Roth's The Dying Animal, as brought on by the season six episode of Girls, "American Bitch".

‘Girls’: An Engrossing “American Bitch” Just Misses Transcending Its Sitcom Medium

‘Girls’: An Engrossing “American Bitch” Just Misses Transcending Its Sitcom Medium

In "American Bitch", the novelistic approach squares up against polarized argumentation.

Revisiting Claudia Weill’s Second-Wave Feminist Film ‘Girlfriends’

Can Television Be a Solution to Hollywood’s Diversity Problem?

Can Television Be a Solution to Hollywood’s Diversity Problem?

We are living in the second Golden Age of Television, and not just because the writing is so good: TV is where we can tune in for real diversity.
Season Three of ‘Girls’ Might Be Its Strongest Yet

Season Three of ‘Girls’ Might Be Its Strongest Yet

Much like its closest television contemporary, Mad Men, Girls comes alive through character detail rather than plot.
The Best Television of 2014

The Best Television of 2014

In 2014, we let Russian spies, biker gangs, Silicon Valley techies, and existentially frustrated detectives into our living rooms. As these 25 picks reveal, we had good reasons for doing so.