Greil Marcus

12 Contemporary Books That Will Have You Rethinking Music History

12 Contemporary Books That Will Have You Rethinking Music History

The best contemporary music books on this list are specific and sweeping, creating new narratives that challenge dominant orthodoxy on music and its histories.

Same Song Different Readings: Bob Dylan’s ‘Visions of Johanna’

Same Song Different Readings: Bob Dylan’s ‘Visions of Johanna’

Bob Dylan’s 1966 song, “Visions of Johanna”, stirred Germaine Greer, Greil Marcus, and other notable critics to argue the song’s meaning and influences. Who is right?

‘Avedon / Warhol’ Is an Astute Juxtaposition of the Two Brightest Stars in the Gagosian Galaxy

‘Avedon / Warhol’ Is an Astute Juxtaposition of the Two Brightest Stars in the Gagosian Galaxy

Gagosian has a clear-eyed, bird’s eye view on perhaps the most self-evident yet severely complicated relationship in modern art history.
The Myth of Elvis Presley

The Myth of Elvis Presley

Rock critic Greil Marcus holds that Elvis' songs are simply a facade. But is there not a creative person behind the facade?
The Holy Greil: Marcus Nears 70 and He’s Better Than Ever With This New Rock History

The Holy Greil: Marcus Nears 70 and He’s Better Than Ever With This New Rock History

In The History of Rock 'n' Roll in Ten Songs, Marcus's writing is as intoxicating as ever. The man is a poet.

‘Conversations with Greil Marcus’ Are Not Conversations About Greil Marcus

Abandoning the Ear? Punk and Deaf Convergences Part I

When the Music Is Over: Greil Marcus on the Doors

When the Music Is Over: Greil Marcus on the Doors

In his biography The Doors, Greil Marcus colors in the cultural and historical space surrounding the band.

‘All Star Western’ Is at Home, Back East

Mr. Moorcock Sings on Mr. Gaiman’s iPod

Pete Seeger’s ‘Rainbow Quest’: The Anti-TV, TV

Live Fast, Die Young, or Get Off the Stage