gruff rhys

The 15 Best Indie Pop Albums of 2021

The 15 Best Indie Pop Albums of 2021

In 2021, indie pop had the job of scoring the world’s reopening, marrying joy and uncertainty. From Wolf Alice to Illuminati Hotties, these albums got the gold.

The 50 Best Albums of 2021 So Far

The 50 Best Albums of 2021 So Far

The year has offered a mountainous feast of sublime music. The 50 best albums of 2021 so far are an eclectic, forward-looking, and increasingly “woke” bunch.

Gruff Rhys Returns with More Symphonic Delights on ‘Seeking New Gods’

Gruff Rhys Returns with More Symphonic Delights on ‘Seeking New Gods’

Gruff Rhys’ Seeking New Gods is another wonderfully adventurous, multifaceted, stirring, and all-around eternal collection from this psychedelic pop artist.

Gruff Rhys Offers Superb Orchestral Observations on Fifth Solo LP, ‘Babelsberg’

Gruff Rhys Offers Superb Orchestral Observations on Fifth Solo LP, ‘Babelsberg’

Gruff Rhys' Babelsberg is another superb album from the always distinguished Super Furry Animals frontman.

‘American Interior’: A Multimedia Tale of a Welsh Vision Quest

‘American Interior’: A Multimedia Tale of a Welsh Vision Quest

Gruff Rhys' innovative, multi-platform narrative unfolds the beguiling and intriguing narrative of an enigmatic Welshman seeking out his kind... in America.
Gruff Rhys: American Interior

Gruff Rhys: American Interior

American Interior certainly sounds like the most ambitious Rhys project since he belonged in a bigger band.

Neon Neon: Praxis Makes Perfect

Gorillaz: The Singles Collection 2001-2011

Gruff Rhys: Hotel Shampoo

Cate Le Bon: 24.Mar.2010 – New York

The Best Albums of 2008

The Best Albums of 2008: 30-21