The 25 Best Rock Albums of 2024
As always, rock was a guitar-led extravaganza in 2024 with artists drawing from an ever-widening musical well. These are the 25 best rock albums of the year.
As always, rock was a guitar-led extravaganza in 2024 with artists drawing from an ever-widening musical well. These are the 25 best rock albums of the year.
Going on 40-plus years, Guided by Voices return with a tight and upbeat album full of pomp and swagger that ranks as a late-career best.
Guided By Voices emerged from their Dayton, Ohio basement and launched into indie rock on their own terms with the endlessly weird and inspiring Bee Thousand.
Guided By Voices’ latest lineup has helped add another tool to Robert Pollard’s songwriting toolbox on La La Land. It’s a look that they wear well.
In 2022, indie rock was a guitar-led extravaganza with artists drawing from an ever-widening musical well. These are the 25 best indie rock albums of the year.
Scalping the Guru‘s 20 songs come from 1993-1994, just as Guided By Voices were about to release their landmark album Bee Thousand.
Guided by Voices’ lasting power stems from Robert Pollard’s poetic observations, but on Tremblers and Goggles by Rank, the highlight is the hard-hitting and capricious music.
The 50 best albums of 2022 offer sublime music as major artists return with new albums and brilliant new sounds bubble up from the underground and worldwide.
With Crystal Nuns Cathedral, Guided By Voices deliver a compelling statement and a thrilling testimony to the high artistry of Robert Pollard’s vision.
In 2021 indie rock was a guitar-led extravaganza with artists drawing from an ever-widening musical well. These are the 15 best indie rock albums of the year.
Guided by Voices deliver a stunning, large-hearted collection of power-pop and off-the-wall oddities laced with beautiful strings and horns throughout.
During the heyday of Guided By Voices, Tobin Sprout wasn't afraid to be absurd amongst all that fuzz. Sprout's new album, Empty Horses, is not the Tobin Sprout we know.