john hughes

‘The Ultimate History of the ’80s Teen Movie’: It’s More Than Just the Brat Pack

‘The Ultimate History of the ’80s Teen Movie’: It’s More Than Just the Brat Pack

A quiet revolution of women in the film industry, the rise of home video -- The Ultimate History of the '80s Teen Movie is about more than just Saturday Night Fever and The Breakfast Club.

Don’t You Forget About Us: ‘The Breakfast Club’s Generation X is Eternally Relevant

Don’t You Forget About Us: ‘The Breakfast Club’s Generation X is Eternally Relevant

Teenage angst about being alive but unnoticed, perfectly captured by Simple Minds' song, permeates the pre-social media era of The Breakfast Club.

‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’ Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary at a Time We Need It Most

‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’ Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary at a Time We Need It Most

The nostalgic beauty of Planes, Trains and Automobiles — aside from a delicious '80s synth score — is its fleshy, alive representation of different economic classes having to deal with one another absent easy technological escapes.

There’s a Reason Why There’s No Biography of John Hughes

There’s a Reason Why There’s No Biography of John Hughes

Searching for John Hughes is among the finest tragedies in the brave new genre of memoir wherein the author’s own life is reflected in the undertaking of a biography fail.
Rich People Have Problems Too: Teenage Angst in ‘Sixteen Candles’

Rich People Have Problems Too: Teenage Angst in ‘Sixteen Candles’

A film like Sixteen Candles suggests that wealthy teenagers are not immune to life’s harsh caprice, and that no amount of affluence can cure high school’s sense of alienation and anxiety

A Bunch of Blu 3

Once You Go Geek…: She’s Out of My League

“No Dad, What About You?!”: The John Hughes Generation Conflict

Don’t You Forget About Me: John Hughes (1950 – 2009)

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off: I Love the 80s edition

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off: Bueller Bueller Edition (1986)