kris kristofferson

Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge: Full Moon (Expanded Edition)

Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge: Full Moon (Expanded Edition)

Long eclipsed by the works of many country contemporaries, Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge's first album, Full Moon, gets a new look.

It All Began the Day ‘Blade’ Sliced Through the Silver Screen

It All Began the Day ‘Blade’ Sliced Through the Silver Screen

How Blade found success out of the rubble of comic book films and Marvel's bankruptcy.
Buddy Miller and Friends: Cayamo Sessions at Sea

Buddy Miller and Friends: Cayamo Sessions at Sea

Buddy Miller is a born collaborator, always managing to get brilliant performances out of the musicians he works with. This collection, which finds him dipping into the bag of country classics, is no exception.

Same Old Song: Tributes to Kris Kristofferson

Kris Kristofferson: Feeling Mortal

Everybody Was Right About ‘Heaven’s Gate’

Various Artists: Kin: Songs By Mary Karr & Rodney Crowell

‘Trouble in Mind’: Noir Turned Inside Out

Deer Tick: The Black Dirt Sessions

Part 2: The Virgin Suicides to The Blair Witch Project (May – August 1999)

Conversing with Rudy Wurlitzer: ‘A Beaten-up Old Scribbler’

Conversing with Rudy Wurlitzer: ‘A Beaten-up Old Scribbler’