
Learning the Barbarian in ‘Conan Exiles’

Learning the Barbarian in ‘Conan Exiles’

There's no one better than a barbarian to teach you how to become civilized.
Dying Is a Learning Opportunity

Dying Is a Learning Opportunity

A game's cues and feedback shouldn't quell the impulse to take a risk, shouldn't smother learning before it can happen. If XP measures learning, then losing XP for dying is wrong.

How Games Represent Learning: Repetition and Reward

Gamers Believe in Getting Better

Gamers Believe in Getting Better

When we need to grind experience points, we seek out enemies at the edge of our current abilities. We seek optimal challenge.

Learning to Breathe

Addicted to Death: More Thoughts on Gaming and Masochism

Best of the Moving Pixels Podcast: Getting Schooled by the Tutorial

Best of the Moving Pixels Podcast: The Value of Death in Video Games

The Didact and the Analyst: Learning How to Not Get Screwed Playing ‘Tharsis’

The Didact and the Analyst: Learning How to Not Get Screwed Playing ‘Tharsis’

The first time that I played Tharsis I lost in two turns. The first time that my friend played Tharsis, he won quite handily.

How Video Games Engage the Imagination Muscle

Worshiping at the Altar of ‘Smite’

Worshiping at the Altar of ‘Smite’

At some point, League of Legends champions have become for me toys that are just displayed on a shelf, gathering dust, having never been played with. Smite asks me to tear open the packaging and actually get down on the floor to appreciate all the toys I have again.