Michael Mann

BFI London Film Festival 2023: Critics’ Chat

BFI London Film Festival 2023: Critics’ Chat

BFI London Film Festival’s most impressionable films of the year, industry strikes, awards season, and the shoe-leather journalism of a film festival critic.

In ‘Blackhat’, Michael Mann Has Made an Impressionistic Action Movie

In ‘Blackhat’, Michael Mann Has Made an Impressionistic Action Movie

In this global thriller about digital terrorism, the visuals do not shape the story but rather are the story.
Should ‘Thief’s Protagonist Be Punished or Praised?

Should ‘Thief’s Protagonist Be Punished or Praised?

Thief, like the best crime films, forces the viewer to rethink traditional conceptions of criminality.

Tie Goes to the Computer: ‘Side By Side’

Two Men Fueled by Stubbornness: ‘The Insider’

Miami Vice (2006)

Collateral (2004)

Ali: The Director’s Cut (2001)

Robbery Homicide Division

Ali (2001)