
Pee-wee Herman: The Existentialist at Play

Pee-wee Herman: The Existentialist at Play

Pee-wee Herman forever lives in a cosmos without a supernatural giver of laws. In such an existentialist world, Nietzsche says, we must be like children and invent a world of meaning, lest we be consumed by the great void.

Zeal & Ardor’s Antiracist Nietzschean “Götterdämmerung”

Zeal & Ardor’s Antiracist Nietzschean “Götterdämmerung”

In “Götterdämmerung”, black metal band Zeal & Ardor carve out an empowering Black position from Nietzsche’s response to a rotten nihilistic culture.

Meet the New Übermensch: Lil Pump and the Will to Power

Meet the New Übermensch: Lil Pump and the Will to Power

Unsurprisingly, Lil Pump's divergence from accepted social norms generates anger, but for similar reasons, he inspires his followers to mad devotion, as did Zarathustra. Nietzsche would have been delighted.

Cogito, Ergo Sum (or Thereabouts): ‘Neil Gaiman and Philosophy: Gods Gone Wild!’

Sound and Fury Still Cometh: Brazen Vic Bondi

Übermensch and Übermonk