Occupy May Day

Occupy May Day Protest – New York (Photos)

Occupy May Day Protest – New York (Photos)

The Occupy movement rallied up thousands of people in New York (and in other cities) for a march on May Day. The event brought together different groups that had arrived at different midtown Manhattan locations including the Guitarmy in Bryant Park. Students were supposed to walk out of classes, consumers were asked not to shop and workers were told to gather and highlight the plight of the 99%.

In Union Square, before the groups marched on towards Zuccotti Park, there was a stage set up for performances and personalities. Tom Morello, Das Racist and Immortal Technique were among just a few of the names that were scheduled for the stage. But the south end of the park was packed with demonstrators and personalities. PopMatters was there to capture some of those crowd images.

View a larger selection of images from the Occupy May Day March on PopMatters’ Facebook page!