sigmund freud

Biography ‘Saving Freud’ Tells of Struggles with Freud’s Stubborn Denial

Biography ‘Saving Freud’ Tells of Struggles with Freud’s Stubborn Denial

Andrew Nagorski’s engrossing biography, Saving Freud, brings forth the dangerous power of denial.

‘What Is Sex?’ Can Be Frustrating Sometimes

‘What Is Sex?’ Can Be Frustrating Sometimes

In What Is Sex Alenka Zupančič provides a brief, difficult, yet ultimately rewarding look at the “otherness” of sex as an act, identity, and communication.

Film Forum Marx Brothers Festival: Unassuaged Desire

Film Forum Marx Brothers Festival: Unassuaged Desire

The Marx Brothers are polymorphously perverse: they find pleasure everywhere.

Cinema as Rorschach Test: ‘The Master’

“Red Hood & the Outlaws” is Editor’s Choice of DC’s New 52

An Unsolved Mystery in Jed Rubenfeld’s ‘The Death Instinct’

Who Wrote Shakespeare and Why You Should Care

‘Freud’s Requiem’ Staggers Beneath the Weight of Idolatry

‘Freud’s Requiem’ Staggers Beneath the Weight of Idolatry

Freud’s Requiem is at first buried beneath hero-worship before it resurrects to the occasion of a proper requiem.