St. Lenox Offers a Fifth Installment of Modern American Songs
St. Lenox’s new LP reveals there’s always time for new beginnings while working toward the greater goal of a worthy existence. It’s a sardonic masterpiece.
St. Lenox’s new LP reveals there’s always time for new beginnings while working toward the greater goal of a worthy existence. It’s a sardonic masterpiece.
St. Lenox’s Ten Songs of Worship explores what it means to exist during these chaotic times and finds the hidden sparks of understanding and awareness within. It’s a beautiful record!
From forward-looking electronic and experimental to new approaches in the ever-evolving R&B scene, from hip-hop and punk to rock and pop, 2018 bestowed an embarrassment of musical riches upon us.
St. Lenox creates fables more than stories, where the line between fabulism and realism exists is purposely smudged. These are songs that not only make you think but make you feel.
St. Lenox urges us to consider committing small acts of kindness and social justice as a way of creating bigger change on "Don't Ever Change Me NYC".