suzanne vega

Suzanne Vega’s Minimalist Masterwork ‘Solitude Standing’ Turns 35

Suzanne Vega’s Minimalist Masterwork ‘Solitude Standing’ Turns 35

Thirty-five years after its premiere, Suzanne Vega’s literate, minimalist gem Solitude Standing is fresh and worth revisiting. It’s essential work from one of popular music’s most gifted artists. 

The 100 Greatest Alternative Singles of the ’90s: 80 – 61

The 100 Greatest Alternative Singles of the ’90s: 80 – 61

The second part of our examination of the 100 Greatest Alternative Singles of the ’90s includes Pavement, Suzanne Vega, Morrissey, Dinosaur Jr., and more.

Seduction Through a Pane of Glass: Suzanne Vega’s “Tom’s Diner”

Seduction Through a Pane of Glass: Suzanne Vega’s “Tom’s Diner”

Britney Spears and Fall Out Boy try to universalize desire in their versions of Suzanne Vega's "Tom's Diner". That may be how pornography works, but it's not how desire works, and this difference is the key to the coy allure of the song.

Persona and Modern Music in 17 Songs

Persona and Modern Music in 17 Songs

Persona -- the “I” of the song -- has evolved, broadened, and expanded to more fully represent a diversity of experiences as well as emotional, political, and cultural orientations.
Ordinary Magic: Suzanne Vega’s ‘Days of Open Hand’

Ordinary Magic: Suzanne Vega’s ‘Days of Open Hand’

If Days of Open Hand is an album of dreams, then there's surely the awareness of awakening, a consciousness hovering outside of the songs that is longing to be identified.

One Hit Wonder: DNA

Suzanne Vega: Beauty & Crime

Suzanne Vega: Retrospective: The Best of Suzanne Vega

Suzanne Vega: Songs in Red and Gray