the avengers

Jon Morris’ ‘The League of Regrettable Sidekicks’ Is Itself a Victim of Questionable Standards

Jon Morris’ ‘The League of Regrettable Sidekicks’ Is Itself a Victim of Questionable Standards

Mere mediocrity on the part of the superhero sidekicks doesn't seem a high enough bar for inclusion in a tome such as The League of Regrettable Sidekicks.

Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe From ‘Iron Man’ to ‘Infinity War’

Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe From ‘Iron Man’ to ‘Infinity War’

With the release of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's defining moment that was Avengers: Infinity War, our staff assembles a ranking of the story so far.

Is There Such a Thing as a Quintessentially Cleveland Film?

Is There Such a Thing as a Quintessentially Cleveland Film?

Cleveland’s film resume doesn’t equal even a Toronto or Vancouver, but it’s been hiding in plain sight behind some fairly notable films over the years.
Is Black Widow Still a Hero? Dissecting the Misogynistic Outrage Against the Avengers

Is Black Widow Still a Hero? Dissecting the Misogynistic Outrage Against the Avengers

Black Widow may very well be the pinnacle of the modern action heroine, so why is there so much backlash about her role in the new Avengers film?

The Rise Fall and Rise of Marvel Comics on Film Part 3: Our Universe(s) at War

How Does It End? Narrative Closure in the Marvel Universes

Fanboy Fury and Authoring ‘Before Watchmen’

Lost In Translation, or, Why ‘The Hangover’ Can’t Just Be ‘The Hangover’

Penelope Houston: On Market Street

The Sky Is Falling: Images of Mass Destruction in ‘The Avengers’

Epic Ideas, Epic Images: Adapting Comics to Film

Avengers Assembled! ‘Ultimate Avengers Movie Collection’