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Guilded and Given: The 2014 Academy Award Nominations

Guilded and Given: The 2014 Academy Award Nominations

Are there Oscar contenders here who could mix things up with a win? Sure. Will it happen? Probably not.
Where Do We Go From Here?: The 2014 Golden Globes

Where Do We Go From Here?: The 2014 Golden Globes

The Golden Globes have proven once again that, instead of clarifying the year-end Best-ofs, the HFPA does a decent job of muddying already cloudy waters, just like they do every year.
Seeking Direction: The 2014 DGA Nominees

Seeking Direction: The 2014 DGA Nominees

The Directors Guild of America has announced its nominees for their 2014 Awards, and as usual, there are insights and snubs o' plenty.

Tom Laughlin (1931-2013): The Inventor of Billy Jack, and the Blockbuster

The Dumbing Down of International Films (So You Don’t Have to Think)

Why Do We Care How Much Movies Cost to Make?

Money Men Are Ruining Hollywood? Say It Ain’t So, George Clooney

What’s in a Pseudonym? J. K. Rowling Unmasked

‘Pacific’ Hmmm…

An Open Letter to J. J. Abrams: ‘Star Wars’ Ain’t ‘Star Trek’

PR, Paramount, and the ‘Star Trek’ Disaster

Bombs Away: Predicting the Summer 2013 Flops