The sims

Go Small: Find the Thrill in Humble Stakes

Go Small: Find the Thrill in Humble Stakes

When a game does engage with what's sublime in being human, it often still reverts to staid larger-than-life tropes. However, what I'm looking for is the adventures of the everyday.
Moving Pixels Podcast: This War of Ours

Moving Pixels Podcast: This War of Ours

If The Sims were created, not by Will Wright, but by a committed nihilist, This War of Mine might be the result.
Dollhouses of Desperation: Playing to Practice, Playing to Prepare

Dollhouses of Desperation: Playing to Practice, Playing to Prepare

The characters in This War of Mine live in a home situated in a larger world that is much colder, much more callous than the bright and cheery suburban void that the homes of The Sims exist in.

Every Girl’s Crazy ‘Bout a Sharp Dressed Avatar

How Games Might Challenge the Tyranny of Authorship

Does This Hurt? A Look at Torture in Games