
Listen Up Gen Xers: Satan Ain’t (Taylor) Swift

Listen Up Gen Xers: Satan Ain’t (Taylor) Swift

I first heard about Slayer in a church in Mississippi. The sermon warned of metal’s Satanic influence. Now we old head-banging Gen Xers are afraid of Taylor Swift?

Ruben Fleischer’s ‘Venom’ Has No Bite

Ruben Fleischer’s ‘Venom’ Has No Bite

Ruben Fleischer's toothless antihero film, Venom is like a blockbuster from 15 years earlier: one-dimensional, loose plot, inconsistent tone, and packaged in the least-offensive, most mass appeal way possible. Sigh.

Blood and Thunder: 70,000 Tons of Metal 2015 Recap and Blind Guardian’s Best in Two Decades

Blood and Thunder: 70,000 Tons of Metal 2015 Recap and Blind Guardian’s Best in Two Decades

Sailing the seven seas is a lot more fun when you're on a cruise ship with 60 metal bands and a legion of eager metal fans. No, really.

*See Issue #129, -Ed: “Spider Island” and the Art of Social Media