For their third record, Boy in a Well , Denver’s the Yawpers crafted a concept album set in France just after World War I about a young mother abandoning her newborn child. It’s an emotionally rich album full of plot that comes with an illustrated comic book illustrated by J.D. Wilkes of the Legendary Shack Shakers that details every twist in the story. Chock full of rocking blues, a bit of psychobilly, and garage rock underpinned with Americana aesthetics, Boy in a Well releasing August 18th via Bloodshot Records, is a huge step forward for the band.
The band’s latest single “Reunion” is the final track of the album and a comparably poppy number. Lead singer Nate Cook says, “‘Reunion’ is the final song on a concept record set in post-World War I France. Every major character is dead, and their bones are piled on top of one another at the bottom of the titular well. Thus, reunion. To counterbalance the gravity of the subject matter, we skewed pop, and tried to have comparatively lush production.”