
Photo courtesy of Tim Carr

Tim Carr Wrestles With His Heart on “Take Me There” (premiere)

Over laid-back acoustic guitar, graceful instrumentation and hazy harmonies, Tim Carr finds the perfect bed for his intimately fragile yet warming vocals that evoke the radiant glow of a fresh Californian morning.

It can be tough to listen to your heart. It can often pull you in directions you’re simply unprepared for, leading you somewhere you’re afraid to go. This is the situation LA-based composer, producer and multi-instrumentalist,
Tim Carr finds himself on new single “Take Me There”, as his heart leads him to an emotional crossroads.

On this, the lead single from forthcoming EP
Swing & Turn, Carr struggles to let himself fully embrace love knowing full well that by remaining passive and apathetic, he is robbing himself of the emotions, both good and bad, that make us human. (“I’ve buried the ones so dear/those feelings I’ve always feared”). This inner, heartfelt dilemma plays out through the course of the song until he finally decides to go all in, drop the defenses and surrender to love. (Where are you going? / I don’t care/ take me there).

Over laid-back acoustic guitar, graceful instrumentation and hazy harmonies, Carr finds the perfect bed for his intimately fragile yet warming vocals that evoke the radiant glow of a fresh Californian morning. Combining minimal ’60s folk pop with more complicated African inspired percussion, Carr marries a sense of melody with a sure-footed understanding of complex rhythms.

“Take Me Out” melds delicately balanced melodies with a pervading romanticism as Carr tries to untangle his own, complicated feelings and allow himself to yield to his heart.