Glistening Male Bodies in Film: ‘Descended From Hercules’

Glistening Male Bodies in Film: ‘Descended From Hercules’

This is an extensive and thoughtful survey of the peplum that's limited only by its ambition.

Slow It Down and Violence Is Made Beautiful in ‘Dredd’

Five Hot Chicks and the MPAA, Why Can’t This Be Europe? Zack Snyder’s ‘Sucker Punch’

Can Snyder Make Superman Super Again?

Another Zack Attack

Zack Attack

Three Hundred

The History Channel Presents: Last Stand of the 300

Spartan Spectators

Short Cuts – In Theaters: 300

The Gayness of the Sameness in Zack Snyder’s ‘300’

The PopMatters ‘Short Ends & Leader’ Spring Film Preview