guilty pleasures

10 ‘Guilty Pleasure’ Albums to Hide from Your Friends

10 ‘Guilty Pleasure’ Albums to Hide from Your Friends

Some of these turkeys are egregious enough to end marriages. So lock the door, turn out the lights, and watch us set fire to whatever credibility we have left.

Brunch, Ladies? On Arielle Zibrak’s ‘Guilty Pleasures’

Brunch, Ladies? On Arielle Zibrak’s ‘Guilty Pleasures’

Arielle Zibrak’s ‘Guilty Pleasures’ is such a fun and fast conversation that reading it feels like having brunch with a hilarious dear friend.

Star Studies Geeks and the Spellbinding Power of Celebrity

Star Studies Geeks and the Spellbinding Power of Celebrity

For the right onscreen personality, we're all "Beatlemaniacs". What do movie stars have that we don't?

Short Cuts – Guilty Pleasures: Ragin’ Cajun (1991)

Potboiler Pulp ‘A Summer Place’ Percolates with Spicy Sentimentality

Potboiler Pulp ‘A Summer Place’ Percolates with Spicy Sentimentality

Drama-romance ‘A Summer Place’ is about the unbridled passions of ardent lovers separated and how they will stoop to all manner of anger-based schmaltz to realize their throbbing biological urges.

Short Cuts – Guilty Pleasures: Northville Cemetery Massacre/ Freedom R.I.P. (1976)

Short Cuts – Guilty Pleasures: Tiki (2006)

Short Cuts – Guilty Pleasures: The Resurrected (1992)

Short Cuts – Guilty Pleasures: Cannonball (1976)

Short Cuts – Guilty Pleasures: Day of the Dolphin (1973)

Short Cuts – Guilty Pleasures: Naked Killer (1992)

Short Cuts – Guilty Pleasures: Monsturd (2003)