Per Petterson

Per Petterson’s Tales of Innocence and Experience

Per Petterson’s Tales of Innocence and Experience

Petterson's closely-knit stories sadly and beautifully reveal the passage from boyish innocence to "manhood", and show us what it means to be a man.
The Grim, Strangely Hopeful World of Per Petterson

The Grim, Strangely Hopeful World of Per Petterson

As existentially bleak as it is, I Refuse is not devoid of hope. A refusal is a negation, to be sure, but a lost swimmer may refuse to drown.

Coming of Age in Norway: Per Petterson’s ‘It’s Fine By Me’

To Siberia by Per Petterson

Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson

Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson