Yes, I know the image above is one of Clementine at the beginning of this season of The Walking Dead. However, this is the episode in which it all comes back to that moment in which Clementine ponders her past and then considers her future.
The final episode of Season Two allows the player to finally decide who they want their Clementine to be by offering multiple paths to conclude this episode. This week we each discuss the Clementine that we have decided will resolve this season of The Walking Dead.
This podcast is also available via iTunes.
Our podcast contributors:
G. Christopher Williams is the Multimedia Editor at You can find his weekly updates featured at the Neuromance blog.
In addition to writing for PopMatters, Nick Dinicola is also a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels blog and appears regularly on the Game Hounds podcast.
Eric Swain is a frequent contributor to the Moving Pixels podcast and maintains his own blog on gaming, The Game Critique.